Default Trial Installation

Default Trial Installation

Simple Modular Installation

Here you will be able to use the full end-to-end installer which is intended to set up Seldon Deploy and all ecosystem components.

These components include:

  • Seldon Core
  • Seldon Deploy
  • Serverless Request Logging
  • Grafana Visualisations
  • GitOps Bitbucket/Github with ArgoCD

Install the Ecosystem

This first step will set up all ecosystem components for Seldon Deploy except for the GitOps ArgoCD component.

cd seldon-deploy-install


Gitops setup is optional. You will need an account on either or

Installation requires htpasswd. Can be installed on Ubuntu, Debian and Mint with:

sudo apt install apache2-utils


You will need personal access token configured with full control of private repositories as shown:


Then make sure that you setup GIT_USER and GIT_TOKEN in the dockercreds.txt file and run

./sd-setup/ seldon-gitops "default"


You will need app password token configured with full control of private repositories as shown:


Then make sure that you setup GIT_USER and GIT_TOKEN in the dockercreds.txt file and run

GIT_PROVIDER=bitbucket ./sd-setup/ seldon-gitops "default"

If you prefer to install GitOps manually, please see Bitbucket for step by step instructions.

Accessing Seldon Deploy

After installation get url for the dashboard.

cd seldon-deploy-install

Browser Specifications

By default, the project supports all modern browsers based on global usage (> 0.2%). The full list of browser versions supported has a global coverage of 89.19% can be viewed here at the BrowserList.

Last modified September 3, 2020: fix missing leading slash in links (c4dcebc)