sd deploy

sd deploy

Deploy a new version of your model.


Deploy a new version of your model, specifying its main parameters. This command will always generate a new spec on each run, therefore it can be used both to create a new deployment and to update an existing one.

sd deploy [name] [flags]


  -f, --filename -           Path to model spec to apply or stdin (using -).
  -h, --help                 help for deploy
  -e, --model-env strings    Main model environment variables.
  -i, --model-image string   Main model image.
  -n, --namespace string     Namespace where to deploy the model. (default "default")
  -r, --replicas int         Number of replicas for model deployment. (default 1)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --oidc-client string   OIDC client ID.
      --oidc-server string   OIDC server URL.
  -p, --password string      Seldon Deploy password.
  -s, --server string        Seldon Deploy server URL.
      --sso                  Use standard OIDC SSO authentication.
  -u, --user string          Seldon Deploy user.


  • sd - sd allows to control your machine learning resources in Seldon Deploy.
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 19-Aug-2020
Last modified August 19, 2020: Update OIDC sectoin and re-gen docs (8c36659)